Paint Corrections and Complete Paint Jobs
At Collision Center Northwest, we offer many choices of expert paint services customized to your specific needs and budget concerns. Our paint packages emphasize durability, longevity of the paint and appearance – including gloss, color match & metallic appearance. We specialize in precise color matching & have many colors for you to choose from, whether you’re just looking for a fresh coat of the existing color or if you’re looking for a brand new color.
Our auto painting services start with a vehicle inspection from our estimators to determine if body repairs are needed to eliminate small dents, scratches & blemishes. Surface preparation is a key step to repair chips, scratches & peeling clearcoat to ensure that your vehicle receives the smoothest finish & highest possible gloss.
Next, surface sealer plays that all-important role of establishing a barrier between old & new paint to ensure consistent color & a higher gloss throughout the entire painted surface of your car.
Every Collision Center Northwest paint job is customized & tailored to your vehicle & your preferences.